Corporate & Government Services

Corporate psychological support

Since 2017, Acacia Psychology has been providing provide corporate services to diverse companies seeking psychological support across Australia, including tailored support for specialist inbound & outbound services.

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Workcover claimants 24/7 support

Acacia Psychology’s dedicated 24/7/365 line provides mental health support at time where other services cannot. We act as an additional layer of support for high-risk claimants, adjunct to their current clinical care support. Our clinical team provides next-day reporting to the case manager with updates regarding their welfare. This service complements face-to-face therapy to mitigate risk and enhance claimant wellbeing.

A referral is required for a claimant to access this service including the reasons for referral and the type of service required. 

Claimant is provided with our 24/7/365 1300 number to call at any time when support is required.

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