About Us

Supporting your journey towards mental wellbeing

At Acacia Psychology, we specialise in evidence-based psychology and counselling services tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual. We are dedicated to consistently enhancing the wellbeing of our clients. We believe in the importance of every voice being heard and recognise that no two individuals are alike. That’s why we match each of our clients with a professional best suited to support them with their specific needs.

Whether you prefer telephone, video or face-to-face consultations, we offer flexible options to accommodate your preferences. Get in touch with us today and start your journey to wellbeing.

Four tiled images of Acacia Psychology practice and team

The Acacia story

Every day, 8.6 Australians take their own lives by suicide. That’s 3,139 each year. Six of those are men.

They leave behind a trail of heartbreak, experienced by the family members left behind and the thousands of affected children that are impacted throughout their entire lives.

As a child, Acacia Connections’ founder, Greg Kentish, was told the story of how his father lived the majority of his life without his own father after he was killed in WWII. Greg was greatly affected by the heartbreak and lifelong impact his father experienced due to losing his dad at the tender age of six.

Greg Kentish truly believes helping people with the highest-quality Employee Assistance Program in Australia will help to save the many spouses, partners, and children from losing their parents and the deep, multigenerational impact that carries on from this sudden death.

Greg is inspired by his grandfather’s tenacity, generous heart, and pure desire to help those in need as a life-long calling, something Greg continues each day.

Our history

Acacia Connections’ history is a deeply personal pursuit that continues the helping work that Len Kentish did in the 1930s and 1940s as a Coastwatcher

On the 19th of February 1943, Len Kentish, only 35 years old, was murdered by his Japanese captors in a unique and tragic war story rarely known in Australia. Len was the only Australian civilian captured and killed as a Japanese POW from Australian waters in Darwin during WWII.

Len’s murder left his family with a widow at 38 years old and three children – aged eight, six, and two – without a father for the rest of their lives. This had an incredible effect on this family then and still does today.

Black and white polaroid image of Len Kentish

The meaning behind
the Acacia name

Our parent company, Acacia Connections was established to be a high-quality provider of support in the workplace and later on, into the community sector when Acacia Psychology was established. The symbolism of our name and logo supports our mission.

The acacia tree is known as the ‘perfect’ tree that symbolises the revival of life. Its uniqueness is found in its bark that has been used as a medicine. This tree is highly drought resilient and provides shelter and a safe place. The acacia tree enriches its surroundings by fertilising the ground with leaf litter and blooming spectacular yellow flowers. These yellow flowers represent optimism, enlightenment and happiness. They encourage communication and carry the promise of a positive future.

Connection, as our name describes, is what we do. Connection is the core of our business and we value each individual because every connection matters. We pride ourselves in our ability to connect people with people from all walks of life, histories and backgrounds, whenever and wherever the support may be needed. At Acacia Psychology, Every Connection Matters.